Friday, September 24, 2010

This girl

Yesterday I was talking to A and she was being her usual crazy self. Having learned from past experience that if I do not blog something quickly, I will forget it, I'm typing up these two now.

A: Mom, Kyler became my friend today!
Me: Oh, really? That's neat.
A: Yeah, my heart's not broken anymore.

Sigh. Everything breaks this girl's heart, but it usually pretty easy to mend. Another quote from her, from sometime last week:

"Tyler, when you say mean things to me, it breaks off a little piece of my heart each time."

That one happened in the bathroom while they were trying to fix the toilet.

On the way to the open house at school last night:

"Oh! The sky is pink and purple! *long pause* *sigh* That's my favorite part of life."

Now, I looked at the sky and I all I could see was blue, but hey, if that's her favorite part of life, then I'm not going to tell her otherwise.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Tyler woke up this morning and then went and laid down on the stairs for an hour and a half while I helped everyone else get ready for school. Eventually I convinced him to come upstairs and I got him dressed and then started getting Miranda ready. Tyler had mentioned that his tummy didn't feel good, but he didn't think he was going to puke. Yeah. I was midway through changing Miranda's diaper when I hear gagging and look up to see Tyler staring into his hands. I asked if he was going to puke and he just nodded, so I grabbed the nearest toy bucket and dumped out the toys and handed the mostly empty bucket to him, noticed that there were still 2 wooden blocks in the bottom and then had to reach in twice (!!) to pull them out. Then he emptied his hands into the bucket and threw up some more. Poor kid had tried to catch all the nastiness in his hands so it didn't get all over his clothes and the carpet; that's almost as bad as the time that he was standing in front of me and started gagging, so I pulled out the bottom of my t-shirt to form a makeshift bowl for him to throw up in-- worked just fine until I had to figure out how to take my shirt off... Anyway, Tyler's been fine since then and eating like a champ, which is great since he's going on his first camping trip tomorrow night.