Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Countdown

Two more days. Yeah. I haven't wrapped a single present; in fact, I'm not sure where I even put all of the presents that need to be wrapped. My plan was to make most of the presents for the kids this year. Yup. Didn't happen. I'm making (yes, still) some felt food for T to open on Christmas and then the kids will get the rest as I finish it, um, in my spare time.

Walmart is not a fun place to go 3 days before Christmas, especially when the cart is laden with children that you need to buy for. Next year, I will plan better. Just like I will blog more. Honest.

J just woke up and he's asking for breakfast, so thus ends this riveting blog session. You're sad. I can tell. Come over for cinnamon rolls in about 20 minutes. :)