Friday, November 21, 2008

And he's off... school today. Joseph is feeling better and was super excited to get to school today. I think he missed the playground. :P Amelia is watching Curious George right now and Tyler finally went down for a nap.

In M&B news, I finished one pair of longies and they're headed for the lanolin bath in about 5 minutes. The next pair should be done later today and then I have 2 more surprise pairs to knit and I'll be through that part of my list. We won't discuss what's left on my list yet. Yikes. I think I'll be spending a lot of time at the post office in the coming weeks.

In other crafty news, I'm trying to plan out what I'm making for everyone for Christmas. Wow. I need to start the planning much earlier next year. I have to make a birthday gift for Joseph this week, one for Tyler immediately after that, and then Christmas gifts for each of the kids. Ideally, I'd love to make them each a pair of socks and a pair or two for myself, but since I have yet to actually knit a sock of any size, I don't see it happening. Maybe they'll get socks for Valentine's Day.

And to Little Miss Lindsay, happy birthday, sweetie! You'll love being six!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A mother's conundrum

Why won't a sick child lay down on the couch and just watch movies, but when said child is prefectly healthy, he is perfectly happy to be a couch potato?

Joseph is sick today. He told me he didn't feel well last night, so I fed him dinner and he went to bed. This morning his tummy still hurt, so I told him he could stay home. 10 minutes before we normally leave for school, he decides he's fine and then goes off to get dressed for school. Nope, getting dressed was too much work for him, so he just laid on the floor instead and decided that staying home would be better. That turned out to be the right choice because the school would have called me to come get him as soon as I pulled back into the driveway from dropping him off.

In totally unrelated news, blueberry oatmeal is not fun to clean out the carpet. Just sayin'.

In Munkit & Blue news, I have a pile of stuff to finish, wash, and mail this weekend. I may even be ambitious and post some pics of it on here since my commitment to blog more this year than last is dangerously close to becoming a thing of the past.