Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sondheim Saturday

No, this has nothing to do with Sondheim, but it's what I could come up with at the moment.

It's officially Spring, which explains the snow that has been falling for the majority of the day and the indoor Easter egg hunt that we took the kids to today. There are pictures. They are not on the computer yet; I'm waiting until I have the plethora of pictures from our Easter morning excitement until I bother.

I bought some blank DVDs today, too, so hopefully I can actually save all the pictures to discs and send them to family members instead of having 800 million pictures saved on my memory card. I'm giving myself until the end of May to accomplish this.

On the house front, things are looking good. We have a house that has been inspected and we're waiting to hear from our realtor if the sellers are willing to fix a couple things. If everything works out, we'll close mid-April and slowly transfer our apartment into the house. Slowly=over the course of a week and then getting help with the furniture on a Saturday. The kids are excited to move into a house with a backyard. Joseph says his favorite thing about the new house is that it comes with two squirrels.

Business is going okay. I made my first knitted item sale to a stranger. I've sold plenty of knitted stuff to friends online, and also crocheted items and stitch markers to strangers, but no knitted to a stranger. Until yesterday. I still have tons of other little knitting and dyeing projects to catch up on and another stocking to prepare for on April 16th, so this will be a busy month and a half. Don't expect much blogwise. Of course, if you've been following my blog at all since it's inception, you probably don't expect much from me blogwise anyway. :P

Monday, March 3, 2008

March Madness

It's March already. I swear it was just November. We're doing well, kids are doing well, etc. I've decided that I need to blog more often. Really it shouldn't be that difficult since I only blogged 8 times in the last year.

Here's a few semi-recent pics of the kiddos...

Tyler showing us how to clap

Amelia showing off her new capris that we are borrowing from Sarah. Joseph, on his 5th birthday.